Morning Cycles Gravel Rides

Whether in Wallonia or around Brussels, it's not the magnificent magnificent landscapes that are in short supply.

It's so much more pleasant to discover them in good company. If you'd like to get out there and discover them in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, join the Morning CyclesGravel Rides.

☀️ What is a Gravel Ride with Morning Cycles ?

Gravel Rides are cycling adventures lasting a few hours and designed by our team especially for you! These routes combine asphalt roads and gravel paths. The level and length of each ride are specified in theinvitation. In most cases, there is both an easy and a more challenging version.

🦥 Who can participate?

Anyone over 16 years of age may take part alone. Under-16s and children are welcome on easy routes, but must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Rides are mixed and the emphasis is on inclusivity.
The main language is French, but everyone communicates fluently in English and occasionally in Dutch. Bienvenue, Welkom & Welcome!

⛰️ How difficult are the courses?

Difficulty varies according to the route chosen. We offer options for different levels: easy tours for beginners as well as more demanding routes for experienced cyclists. Each ride is clearly described to help you choose the one that suits you best: length, gradient and intensity. A word of advice: for your first Gravel Ride, don't overestimate yourself and opt for the easy route. You can always aim for a higher level on your next ride.

🚲 What type of bike do I need?

A gravel bike is recommended. These ultra-versatile bikes are equally at home on roads and paved paths, and are even better on gravel trails. However, if you own a mountain bike or a sturdy hybrid bike, you'll also be fine.
For these outings, absolutely avoid road bikes or city bikes because you'll have trouble keeping up and there could be some breakage. If you're looking for a well-suited gravel bike at the right price, Morning Cycles can advise you.

Warning! Show up at the start with your bike in perfect working order. If necessary, stop by the store well in advance of your outing for a few adjustments and a safety check.

☀️ What services can I take advantage of on departure? And upon arrival?

At the start - Sometimes we offer coffee, tea and pastries. See the agenda for details. It's always possible to inflate your tires, lubricate your chain and fill your water bottles free of charge. Generally, you can complete your equipment with a quick purchase before setting off (gloves, multitool, inner tube, etc.). The staff may be able to fine-tune an urgent adjustment, but only to a limited extent. Obviously, the most comfortable thing is to arrive well-prepared.
Upon your return - a bike wash is usually available to clean your bike. A friendly drink is offered, sometimes included in the price, sometimes for a fee. GPX tracks remain available after the ride, and you can repeat the tour as often as you like afterwards.

🎒 What should I take with me?

In addition to your bike, please have in your possession:
📞 A GPS or cell phone, preferably with a guidance app(Komoot, Strava, OsmAnd, RouteYou, ...).
☂️ Weather-appropriate clothing (cycling shorts, windproof jacket, insulating layer, gloves, hat, goggles, helmet if you wish).
🛠️ Minimal repair kit (multitool, mini-pump, inner tube, tire iron).
🍉 Sufficient water and snacks.

Gravel beginner? Our teams will be delighted to advise you!

🍀 Can I count on assistance in the event of a problem?

Morning Cycles offers no assistance in the event of a problem. You are expected to be able to find your way on your own, to follow the GPS track provided, to take care of yourself in the event of technical problems, and to be entirely responsible for your own safety. There is no technical assistance in the field, and no route captain. The group is led by a team member who proceeds at an average pace, but you can go ahead and outrun him or her, or go more slowly at your own pace, possibly with other cyclists. The GPS track allows you to complete the entire route and reach the finish. Don't forget to note down the phone numbers of your fellow cyclists, and share your position online to make it easier to find each other.

🚀 Am I up to the task of my first ride?

"Easy" level rides are affordable for anyone riding regularly on a daily basis. People with heart, joint, weight, diabetic or other conditions must obtain their doctor's approval before taking part in our rides. In the "easy" courses, the emphasis is on solidarity and looking out for others. In the event of a problem, other participants will usually be on hand to help. However, as a reminder, rides are self-guided and always under your own responsibility..

⛈️ What happens in case of bad weather?

Safety is our top priority. In the event of unfavorable weather forecasts, the rides may be postponed. Participants will be informed in advance and a new date will be proposed.

💬 Is there a community or discussion group for participants?

Yes, you're welcome to join the online community at Morning Cycles , where you can exchange tips, share experiences and keep up to date with upcoming events and rides.

📋 How do I register?

On the news page of our website, you'll find the calendar of upcoming Gravel Rides, detailed information on each route and a registration form.

Our Gravel Rides

past and upcoming
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