Namur, September 8, 2024

Gravel ride des 9 Forts de Namur

Gunther Verpaverbeke

Between 1888 and 1901, nine forts were built around Namur to protect the region. Four large and five small: Cognelée, Emines, Marchovelette, Malonne, Saint-Héribert, Suarlée, Andoy, Dave en Maizeret

On August 20, 1914, German troops approached the "Reinforced Position of Namur" and sent in all their forces. Come and discover this incredible heritage with us, thanks to a superb Gravel trail.

Join us on Sunday, September 8 at 8:30 a.m. at the store for a great outing around our town!

There are three distances on offer: 35km, 45km and 90km, passing through some superb spots from north to south!

Both courses start at 9 a.m.

  • Tour des 3 forts: 35km and 400 vertical drops. A more accessible route, with smaller roads instead of technical paths and fewer difficulties. Cramponed bikes essential.
  • Tour des 4 forts: 45km and 600 ascent. Strong stuff, recommended for those with a bit of stamina! Some technical sections, climbs with good gradients and superb trails!
  • Le tour des 9 forts: 90km and 1200 ascent. Very tough stuff, for long-distance enthusiasts! Same difficulty as the 45km, but you'll need strong legs to get through it.

For those of you who are interested, the gates of Fort Saint-Héribert in Wépion will be open. Admission is charged, and respect for the site is essential. Feel free to visit this superb site!

To each his own rhythm. Navigate with your GPS bike or smartphone by integrating the GPX file of the route to remain autonomous all day.

Any type of bike allowed, as long as it can go off-piste! Mountain bikes and Gravel bikes recommended. Most of the route is on footpaths, but everything can be done while still on the bike.

Coffee is served at 8:30 a.m., and after the outing we meet up for a snack or a few drinks!

NB: Participants are not insured and everyone is responsible for their actions. Please be respectful!